Unhandled Cases

no criminal cases

We do not handle Cases in Criminal Court as it is a specialty area that requires experts.

no juvenile cases

We do not handle Cases in the Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Department as it is a specialty area that requires experts.

no bankruptcy cases

We do not do bankruptcies because of the specialization required (we can, however, refer you to attorneys who do handle them).

no bankruptcy cases

We do not handle cases in Traffic Court.

No Foreclosure Defense cases

We do not handle Foreclosure Defense cases in the Law Division court.

No Landlord/Tenant cases

We do not handle Landlord/Tenant cases in the First Municipal District court in Chicago.

No Personal Injury cases

We do not handle Personal Injury cases in the Law Division court.

We do not take every case because we need to be paid.
We do not take a case if there is no likelihood of succeeding–it only wastes the client’s money.